
Welcome, Welcome

 I have no idea how this is supposed to work but here goes. Hi there! I'm Kiri! I'm an author, model horse collector, and all around chaotic coyote with a degree I really don't use. But what else is new? This is going to be the place where I avoid working on my next novel or where I get to talk about collecting model horses. I annoy way too many people in my real life with both topics! This blog's banner, as soon as I figure out such things, is going to be a slightly less potato quality picture of Trash to Treasure, a really neat vintage custom Breyer I found in Ohio. I'm sure he has a wonderful story, I just don't know it yet. I'd like to find out one day. Expect to see ramblings about my books, Breyers, my cats, and whatever else I decide to talk about. I will let you know that I have terminal Oh SHINY syndrome when it comes to collecting. There is no rhyme or reason to what I decide to collect. Other than Ethereals. I love Ethereals and I pretty much have